Not sure what to do with your life after high school? This page was designed with your future in mind! College and career planning is always evolving based off of interest and experiences. Here are a few more ways to provide direction for you to reach your goals.

Thanks to our partnership with Sealaska Heritage Institute Haa Latseení, all MHS Students can access Pathful. Pathful is one place to get college & career awareness, planning, exploration and live industry connections for a more insightful, impactful and meaningful experience.
Students can log into AKCIS using our location and zip code (Metlakatla 99926) to take a career interest inventory!
The Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS) is a free resource available to Alaska residents. AKCIS is made possible through a partnership between the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) and the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD).
MHS Graduation Requirements
College Bound
Career Bound
Military Bound
Funding Your Next Step