Mr. Stemp's 3rd grade class is working on a new project: learning and sharing information about charities! The students researched and picked charities that interest them and are building projects around them. Read more and see all the photos at the link below: #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education #giveback
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Students walking down the hall
student posing next to a poster they made highlighting a charity
student posing next to a poster they made highlighting a charity
student posing next to a poster they made highlighting a charity
Recently, Mr. Mike's class visit Skater's Lake to examine plants and draw pictures of them! Check out all the photos on the latest News Post: #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #students #education #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
teacher and students outside
teacher and student digging
student holding skunk cabbage
student digging in ground
Attention RJES Families: Due to the high winds expected tomorrow, we have decided to cancel the Aleutian Ballad Tour planned for grades 2nd-5th. We are attempting to reschedule and will keep you posted. Thank you! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
graphic with Attention Richard Johnson Families- Aleutian Ballad trip cancelled tomorrow 5/3 with RJES logo of a copper shield
Check this out! This week, Mr. Gamaas showed Ms. Yliniemi's 5th grade class how to make Bentwood Boxes! Click the link below to see lots more photos: #rjes #richardjohnsonselementary #aisd #aisdproud #metlakatla #alaska #education
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Student bending his bentwood box with teacher
students looking at wood in the steam box
teacher and students looking at bentwood box
students showing off their bentwood boxes
Our Meet & Greet for our RJES Principal Candidate is TONIGHT! It will now begin at 6:30 and go until 7:15 at the RJES Gym! Pizza and beverages provided. See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #meetandgreet #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud #community
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Graphic with Meet & Greet information on it with the RJES shield.  Details in post
Congratulations to all of our talented Kindergarten & 1st Grade Students on their performance last night! We had a packed house- thank to everyone for coming to support our students! See more pictures here: If you weren't able to make the performance, you can watch the live-streamed recording here: #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #music #musiceducation #concert #students #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students bowing after performance
student in front of microphone
students singing on risers
students singing and marching on risers
Our RJES 1st Grade & Kindergarten Concert starts at 6:00! Come see our students perform their concert "BugZ" at Richard Johnson Elementary. The concert will also be live streamed on AISD's YouTube Channel: See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #music #musiceducation #concert #students #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
graphic with information about the RJES concert.  Details in post.
Intramurals club is canceled for today 4/28 so the gym can be ready for the concert tonight. We hope to see you at 6:00pm for the BugZ concert for 1st and Kinder. If you aren't able to attend in person, the events will also be live streamed. See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #concert #education #musiceducation #metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Attention RJES Families: Dance Club is cancelled for today (4/27). Thank you! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #metlakatla
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
graphic with attention RJES families dance club cancelled today 4/27
RJES Concerts Update! Our concert TOMORROW 4/28 will feature both our 1st Grade & Kindergarten Students. Our concert on Tuesday 5/3 will feature our 2nd Grade & Pre-K Students. If you aren't able to attend in person, the events will also be live streamed. See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #concert #education #musiceducation #metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
graphic with concert information- details in post
graphic with concert information- details in post
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Henry! Today, Mrs. Henry's and Mr. Stemp's third grade classes celebrated Mrs. Henry's birthday by holding a birthday cake bake-off! Students and staff brought 9 different desserts for the classes to try. Thank you to the students (and families!) who baked all of the delicious cakes! Click the link below to read more and see all the pictures! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #birthday #cake #bakeoff #elementary #students #metlkatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Mrs. Henry posing behind a table with the desserts made by students and staff
a student standing by cupcakes she made
a student standing by cupcakes he made
a student posing dramatically by the cake he made
Attention AISD Community! THIS Friday at 6:00 pm, we will be hosting a Meet & Greet to meet the RJES Principal Candidate, Sandra Perez! We invite you to join us at 6:00pm Friday 4/29 at the Elementary Gym. Pizza and beverages will be provided. We hope to see you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #meetandgreet #metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
RJES Meet & Greet Graphic for RJES Principal Candidate.  Details in post.
Intramurals club is canceled for today 4/26. We will see you Thursday.
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Dance Club is Canceled for today 4/25/2022. See you all Wednesday!
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Our RJES 1st Grade Concert is in one week! Come see our students perform their concert "BugZ" at Richard Johnson Elementary on Thursday 4/28 at 6:00pm. See you there! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #music #musiceducation #concert #students #metlakatla #alaska #aisd #aisdproud
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
Graphic with bugs on it and information for the 1st grade concert.  Text in post
Attention AISD Families! This Friday (4/22) Early Release will now be a FULL DAY of school. Early Release will now take place on Friday May 13th. Thank you! #aisd #aisdproud #rjes #clms #mhs #earlyrelease #students #education #metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention AISD Families graphic with megaphones and AISD logo.  Text is in post.
This week, Mrs. Hudson's Kindergarten class visited the Hudson's Hen House! They recently completed their Farm unit in Wit & Wisdom (the reading curriculum used by the Richard Johnson Elementary School), and the weather finally was nice enough for the students to walk down to the Hudson home. Click the link below to read more and see all the great pictures! #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #aisd #aisdproud #kindergarten #witandwisdom #chickens #metlakatla #alaska
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students stand in front of a chicken coop
students looking inside the chicken coop
a student feeding a chicken
Yesterday, Mrs. McCarty's class visited the Net Loft! Thank you Mrs. Lindsey for the great photos! Click the link below to see more: #rjes #richardjohnsonelementary #education #metlakatla #alaska #prek #fishing #commercialfishing #aisd #aisdproud
over 2 years ago, Richard Johnson Elementary School
students on bench with teachers
students walking with teacher
students holding a fishing net
students smiling holding a fishing net
Check out some of our Guest Speakers for Healthy YOU, Healthy US week! #aisd #aisdproud #health #metlakatla #community #alaska #metlakatlaalaska #education
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Graphic with images of different people who will be guests at Healthy YOU Healthy US Week, April 11th-15th!  Alaska Public Health, Women in Safe Homes, Liwaayda, and more
Attention AISD Families: Starting Monday 4/11, we will begin implementing the revised Covid Safety and Mitigation Plan! We are dialing back some of our strategies as our vaccination rate is high and our cases are low. These changes include: 1. There will be no temperature screenings for staff and students (if you or students are sick, please stay home.) 2. Staff will not be required to be screened for Covid-19 symptoms and sign in each day 3. We will not be logging names for students who ride the bus 4. Outside groups will be able to use District's facilities following District's guidelines and permission 5. Test-to-Stay will allow students and staff who are not fully vaccinated and who have been in close contact at school, to test daily and avoid quarantine. This does not include close contact within the same household. (Learn more about AISD's Test-to-Stay here: *Please note that future outbreaks may require us to revisit these measures. Changes are happening quickly so stay tuned for more updates! #aisd #aisdproud #covid #metlakatla #alaska #education #covid19
over 2 years ago, Annette Island School District
Attention AISD Families: COVID Safety & Mitigation plan changes Starting Monday 4/11 graphic with AISD logo